Jessica Hinkson

Jessica Hinkson

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Đia chỉ:
A creator, first and foremost, Jessica's multi-award-winning films have garnered international success along with landing on
significant broadcasting networks (IE., CBC, Amazon Prime) and continue to thrive on multiple global streaming platforms. She is
the recipient of the 2021 Women in Film Screenplay Award from the Oscar-qualifying HollyShorts Film Festival with her film
SARA, which will world premiere at HollyShorts on August '23, was the recipient of Fiscal Sponsorship from Stowe Story
Labs, where she is an alumna. She participated at the 10th Narrative Lab and Feature Campus with her first feature,
CONCRETE MARSHMALLOW: This fall, she will return to Stowe for their annual writer's retreat. She has been
featured on Coverfly's Red List. A graduate of The Neighborhood Playhouse and worked closely with Terry
Schreiber. Jess is full of UBCP/ACTRA, a proud Academy of Canadian Cinema & Television member and founder of Hello,
Darling Pictures.